What is the seven seconds rule for pets?

With summer fast approaching pet owners need to be aware of the seven seconds rule.

A dog's paw pads are remarkable structures designed to provide protection, support, and sensory feedback. They're made up of thick, fatty tissue and specialized skin that varies in thickness depending on the breed, environment, and activity level of the dog.

A dogs paw pads are the equivalent to our own bare feet. With everything heating up it is important to be mindful that out furry friend can burn their feet. Have you ever walked on hot pavement without shoes? The seven second rule helps us as pet owners to make sure that we keep our pets safe.

Simply place your hand palm side down on the surface. If you can hold it there for seven seconds then it is safe for your pet to walk on. If you pull your hand away then it is too hot.

If it is too hot for your bare feet it’s too hot for their paws!

DISCLAIMER: I am dog trainer and not a vet. This is simply advice. If your pets paws do get burned please call your vet.


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